Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Four Modes Revised

Song: Tubthumping by The Hit Crew

This song is a representation of football's attitude towards it's reputation that is brought on by the controversy and cheating in recent years. The chorus states " I get knocked down, but I get up again. You're never gonna keep me down" which is the attitude of fans especially of the british football leagues. The British are very hardy and will fight for something until the end and if something knocks them over they get back up and keep fighting. The album that this song is from is even called "Sports Cheers(Star Sports Jams)" showing the relevance to sports before you even start to look at the song itself. THen as you look deeper into the song, the first verse is all about drinking whatever drink reminds you of the good times and sing the songs that reminds you of the better times. This is demonstrative of the attitude of nostalgic elderly fans reminiscing of the times before high paid superstars, dives, and fears of refs being bribed. The last thing about this song is that it has an positive optimistic beat and tempo telling the audience that things are going to get better again.

Movie: Goal

This movie is almost completely in tune with the themes of my project, which makes it a perfect example of someone who could cheat to advance his career, but he doesn't. He continues to play with passion and integrity, keeping himself and the game he loves as pure and beautiful as he possibly can. This movie is a good example because it show that it is possible for soccer to be played honorably and fairly, but people can choose to cheat, slack off, and showboat which turns the game into a circus show instead of the wonderful sport that it is. This movie also shows that athletes don't have to become omplete jerks just because they make lots of money and the main character actually changes the rich, showboating superstar and turns him into a better person as a result of their relationship.

Visual Image: The Scream by Edvard Munch

In this picture you have a person holding their hands to their face which for me is a great representation of fans and coaches reactions to a call that goes against their team either for flopping or because the ref doesn't see the flop. The bright colors swirling show the amount of passion and emotion involved at the moment that the great scream of despair or disbelief at the ref's decision is perfectly captured in this painting even though it probably wasn't the original inspiration for the picture. THe river could symbolize the flow of the normal course in a game of soccer and the bridge where the screamer is standing symbolizes the disruption of the flow and the path of the bridge apparently heading for the hills could mean the long uphill climb it will be for the screamer's team to get back even in the game after the controversial call, a journey which may not be completed in time to salvage the game.

Book: Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card

Focusing on chapter 11: Vini Vidi Vici. Ender has been given command of an army in the war games league of battle school, which is in orbit around earth. He is the youngest commander in the school's history and hasn't had his army for a full month before he is called for his first battle as a commander, while the usual time is three months, and he has to fight eight battles in seven days while the usual is one battle every two weeks. In one battle his opponent gets 5 minutes to set up his army before he gets to enter the zero g arena and later he has to fight against two armies at once. But despite having an inexperienced team and no days off he continues to fight and win against the odds even after the head of battle school continues to stack the odds against him. This is like the situation that several teams faced in Serie A in Italy while facing teams that bribed the refs to throw the game.

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